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Mauna Kea and Thirty Meter Telescope to be discussed in public forums

The Hilo-Hamakua Community Development Corporation is presenting a series of four events for the Hawaii Island community about Mauna Kea and the Thirty Meter Telescope.

Board member Judi Steinman said that “all points of view will be presented as an education to hear all sides and for people to formulate their own opinion. We’ve met with the cultural practitioners who will be speaking at the events, and they’re embracing the opportunity to learn more from one another.”

She said one of the districts the Hilo-Hamakua Community Development Corporation represents “is the entire northeast foothill of Mauna Kea. … With all the controversy, misinformation and miscommunication that has surrounded this issue, we thought it was important to talk with each other instead of at each other.”

The current schedule and list of speakers are as follows:

Tuesday, May 19 LOCATION: Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School Cafeteria SPEAKERS: Lanakila – Cultural Perspective Paul Coleman – Science Stephanie Nagata – Office of Mauna Kea Management Process

Wednesday, May 27 LOCATION: Kulaimano Community Center, Pepe`ekeo SPEAKERS: Paul Neves – Cultural and Historical Perspective Sandra Dawson – Thirty Meter Telescope Process Peter Adler – Sacred Spaces

Tuesday, June 2 LOCATION: Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School Cafeteria SPEAKERS: Hualalai Keohuloa – Cultural Perspective Wallace Ishibashi- Security and Safety at Cultural Sites Paul Brewbaker- Economy

Tuesday, June 9 LOCATION: Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School Cafeteria SPEAKERS: Richard Ha – Hawai`i Island’s Future Art Kimura – Robotics Jesse Eiben – Entomologist Doug Simons – Observatory Science

All events will be held from 6:30-9 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.

The HHCDC President is Donna Johnson ( or 895-1907). Board members include Steinman, Colleen Aina, Glenn Carvalho, Gerald DeMello, Richard Ha, Jason Moniz and Eric Weinert.

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